Risk Assessment – COVID 19 – Use of Church Premises for Worship

St. Edward's Church

Church Premises to which this risk assessment relates: St Edward’s Parish Church, Kettering

Date of Assessment: 23.12.2020 Frequency of review: Weekly during the Covid 19 crisis

This risk assessment must be read carefully to ensure it is applicable to your church premise. Anything not applicable should be deleted completely. Any of the listed control measures that are not currently in place should be deleted from the list and added to the ‘action required’ column. Someone then needs to be made responsible for carrying out the action required and signing it off. The information contained in this risk assessment has been passed onto all relevant persons.

Covid 19 Risk Assessment – St Edwards’ Parish Church 23122020

For enquiries please contact the Parish Office or Fr. Gregory directly by phone 01536 512497 or email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org

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