Who Does What at Holy Trinity and St. Bernadette Church
Church Contact email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org
Master of Ceremonies James Atkins 07866 596093
Eucharistic Ministers Jo Cutsforth; Joe Burns; Sir Edwin Jowitt; Peter Mattock; Rosemary Johnson; Carol Bryceland
Readers List Compiler Joe Burns 01536 763828
Readers Joe Burns; Keith Williams; Patsy Humphreys; Wendy Baker; Jean Galbraith; Ann Churcher; Candice Sinnett; Carol Bryceland; Sheelagh Morris
Psalmists/Cantors James Atkins; David Watson
Music James Atkins 07866 596093; David Watson (01536) 760641
Organist : Ann Churcher
Flower arranging, after Mass coffee and church cleaning work on a rota basis. email: parish.stedwardkettering@northamptondiocese.org
There are many organisations working across the whole of St. Edward’s Parish. For more see Parish Groups and ministries