The Ireson Youth Fund

Tony Ireson, a prominent Kettering Catholic and history writer, bequeathed a sum of money to the Parish for the specific purpose of “Youth Development in the Parish of St. Edward”

Objectives of the Fund
To provide financial assistance to young people and youth groups in the Parish on a case by case basis for their support, faith development and/or education in such areas as:

  • Supporting and encouraging outings on retreats, pilgrimages and other Christian events.
  • Supporting young carers.
  • Assisting the development and support of the young person’s music/choir group.
  • Support for a ‘GAP’ year (Christian – UK and overseas operations) run by a Diocesan team and others.

Parishioners may make applications for support in writing, clearly marked ‘Ireson Fund’ and addressed to the Parish Priest. The Parish Ireson Fund management team will consider each application on an individual basis but, as it has annual limits of expenditure, it is not open ended. Therefore, please note that not all applications will be successful.

Successful applicants will be expected to raise part of the funds themselves (which would be matched or supported by the fund) and will be required to provide an account of their experience for the Parish newsletter and website, so that the Parish can properly account for the expenditure of the fund. All accounts and activities will be published half yearly.

For enquiries please contact the Parish Office or Fr. Gregory directly by phone 01536 512497 or email:

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