CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) in the Parish

Parish Contact: Maureen Everington via 01536 512497 email: (please state the name of the person you wish to contact at the beginning of the message)
CAFOD area office: Deborah Purfield, Northampton

CAFOD Day of Reflection at St Edward’s, Kettering, July 1st, 2017

As well as the official Fast Day collections, there is much work we could be doing for CAFOD in our Parish. We would welcome anyone interested in helping in any way.

Examples of ways to become involved include:

1) The Parish could take up the Live Simply Challenge. This aims to help communities and individuals to celebrate, reflect and take action, deepening the personal and Church-wide commitment to Catholic social teaching as a fundamental part of Christian life and mission. Based on Pope Paul VIth encyclical ‘Populorium Progressio’ – his call to the wealthy nations of the world to act in solidarity, justice and charity – it encourages us to respond to Christ’s teaching that we should live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the poor.

2) Be a Fair Trade Parish. CAFOD encourages all parishioners to purchase genuine Fair Trade products. In this way the increased profits to be made on the sale of produce from poorer countries should actually get back to the growers, rather than increasing the profits of shareholders of already rich multi-national companies who often exploit local workers. We could also encourage local supermarkets to continue selling Fair Trade Goods.

3) Buy a Virtual Charity Gift. Order from a CAFOD catalogue or online at Buy individual items from pencils and footballs to mosquito nets, pigs and chickens or even toilet blocks! Gift them as Christmas/Birthday/Anytime presents or work with others to gift a larger present like a community water supply or a solar street lamp.

4) Help develop other campaigns as a parish or as individuals, e.g. climate change issues.

For enquiries please contact the Parish Office or Fr. Gregory directly by phone 01536 512497 or email:

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